
Friday, December 5, 2014

Something Sweet...

Everybody loves sweets, and I mean everybody! Of course we all don't have the same tastes in sweets, but that doesn't change that fact that we love them. Every wonder what people in Japan reach for when they're craving something sweet? Well, I've got a few good examples for you...

  • Roll cakes: They're pretty popular in Japan and come in a wide array of colors and sizes. Now in Japan, extremely bright and odd coloring on a cake its really unpopular and actually unfavorable. So don't be surprised if you only see mutable coloring on baked goods.   

  •   Meiji Chocolate: Everyone loves chocolate! Meiji is a yummy and easy to find chocolate candy that's pretty popular in Japan. 

  • Macha Flavored...?: Macha flavoring is really popular in Japan. You can find macha flavored anything really. From ice cream to candies, to drinks and even candy bars. As a tip for any one with more of a western taste, macha ice cream wouldn't be too good if you're looking for something really sweet. The green tea flavoring can be kind of bitter, so it might surprise you a little. 

  •  Pocky Sticks: Last but not least, the all popular Pocky! Now for any of you wondering, Pocky is a sweet biscuit, usually covered in chocolate. It comes in many different flavors though, from strawberry to macha. It's extremely popular in Japan and can be bought in many different countries.

Do you have anymore ideas of Japanese sweets that you don't see mentioned here? You can leave a comment talking about your favorite Japanese sweets too \^.^/ And don't forget to look out for the post next week!

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