
Friday, November 28, 2014

Love Lolita...?

Love lolita, but don't want to spend all that money for one outfit? Well, don't worry! ^.^ There's a lot of things you can do! You don't don't have buy the fancy Lolita brands to look adorable in this
Japanese style! You can use clothes you have at home, or buy much cheaper things and still look
 adorable! (This works for guys too!)

  • First off, many "normal" stores sell cute frilly dresses, with a little touching up from and needle and thread you can add more frills, buttons, bows or anything you'd like. 
  • White frilly shirts are sold at many formal dress stores. If you can't find a shirt with frills, normal white, button up shirts will look good too. (If it's just a normal shirt, try finding the ones with round collars) 
  • For guys black dress pants are more than fine, any kind of slim pants without a pattern will be perfect. Or if you can find them, slim (but not tightly fit!) pants with mutable colored patterns are good too. (Remember, Lolita is supposed to be fun, light, childlike and adorable) 
  • For girls, long, loose fitted skirts are sold all over the place. They can be found cheap with bows, buttons and other cute accessories too.
  • Looking for cute accessories? Try Clair's! Yeah, Clair's... They have adorable gothic and normal lolita looking things that range from earrings with bows, to cute necklaces and even wrist bands for guys. 
  • Lolita doesn't have to be sofistiacated guys! There are many different styles of Lolita's to choose from. Try nerdy lolita! Stores all over the place sell ironic tee-shirts, with a cute frilly shirt, some suspenders, a cute pair of glasses and some cute shoes you'd look adorable. 
  • HotTopic is also a great place to find cheap, Lolita fashion for guys and girls. You can find cheap frilly shirts, long shirts with cute bows, loose fitting slim pants with crosses and even rainbows, and you can even find Lolita's jackets! 
Hope this little guide on lolita will help you guys realize that even if you budget is tight, you can still look adorable! ^.^  Dont worry if you can't sew, many stores sell clothes with cute things already on them. Enjoy being adorable! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I appreciate the time you took to write this, but I think it might be a little misguided. While you don't need the big brands to be lolita, it's extremely rare to find a dress/skirt that can be worn with lolita in mall stores like F21. Indie brands and taobao stores (krad lanrete, dear celine, r-series, etc) are both cheap and fit the lolita style. I'd also advise against claires for accessories because most of the items they carry are neon coloured and wouldn't work in a coordinate. Ardene/Claires do have some simple jewellery that work nicely though! Again, try taobao for other accessories, I personally like the store CiciWorks.

    Nerdy lolita is definitely not a thing, and you should never wear an ironic tee or suspenders in lolita. Lastly, NEVER buy lolita from hot topic. They don't carry a single item that would work well in a coordinate.

    Again, I do very much appreciate you writing this, but I feel like the advice given isn't the best. I'd recommend checking out F Yeah Lolita for a tutorial on budget lolita :)
