
Friday, December 19, 2014

Need Help with Kanji?

Kanji! The one thing many of us who study Japanese can seriously struggle with, don't worry you're not alone in that struggle! Now if you don't study Japanese, or just don't know what Kanji is... Kanji is the traditional Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. They can be a bit hard to tackle, being that it takes a good amount of strokes to write some of them and truthfully they can be a bit hard to remember... 

So here, to help you guys out a little.... 

 These are some simple Kanji that you can study and try to remember! Now to actually get these down, I have a few recommendations. But I must warn you all... it involves *gasp* studying. 

  • Try learning one of these a day, or if that sounds like to much for you just try 2-3 of these a week. 
  • Keep at it, and by that I mean don't just give up because they seem hard or confusing. 
  • Write it as much as possible! You have to keep writing this, along with your hiragana until it feels natural, or else you might forget. 
  • Look for kanji in Japanese writing, try reading Japanese news in Japanese.
  • If you want to spend money, then I recommend buying flash cards with beginner level kanji and studying them as much as possible. 
  • Remember why you wanted to learn Japanese in the first place and imagine how good it will feel when you have kanji down packed. This should help you get through any of those "I wanna give up..." moments. 

And for good measure... another kanji chart!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Something Sweet...

Everybody loves sweets, and I mean everybody! Of course we all don't have the same tastes in sweets, but that doesn't change that fact that we love them. Every wonder what people in Japan reach for when they're craving something sweet? Well, I've got a few good examples for you...

  • Roll cakes: They're pretty popular in Japan and come in a wide array of colors and sizes. Now in Japan, extremely bright and odd coloring on a cake its really unpopular and actually unfavorable. So don't be surprised if you only see mutable coloring on baked goods.   

  •   Meiji Chocolate: Everyone loves chocolate! Meiji is a yummy and easy to find chocolate candy that's pretty popular in Japan. 

  • Macha Flavored...?: Macha flavoring is really popular in Japan. You can find macha flavored anything really. From ice cream to candies, to drinks and even candy bars. As a tip for any one with more of a western taste, macha ice cream wouldn't be too good if you're looking for something really sweet. The green tea flavoring can be kind of bitter, so it might surprise you a little. 

  •  Pocky Sticks: Last but not least, the all popular Pocky! Now for any of you wondering, Pocky is a sweet biscuit, usually covered in chocolate. It comes in many different flavors though, from strawberry to macha. It's extremely popular in Japan and can be bought in many different countries.

Do you have anymore ideas of Japanese sweets that you don't see mentioned here? You can leave a comment talking about your favorite Japanese sweets too \^.^/ And don't forget to look out for the post next week!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Love Lolita...?

Love lolita, but don't want to spend all that money for one outfit? Well, don't worry! ^.^ There's a lot of things you can do! You don't don't have buy the fancy Lolita brands to look adorable in this
Japanese style! You can use clothes you have at home, or buy much cheaper things and still look
 adorable! (This works for guys too!)

  • First off, many "normal" stores sell cute frilly dresses, with a little touching up from and needle and thread you can add more frills, buttons, bows or anything you'd like. 
  • White frilly shirts are sold at many formal dress stores. If you can't find a shirt with frills, normal white, button up shirts will look good too. (If it's just a normal shirt, try finding the ones with round collars) 
  • For guys black dress pants are more than fine, any kind of slim pants without a pattern will be perfect. Or if you can find them, slim (but not tightly fit!) pants with mutable colored patterns are good too. (Remember, Lolita is supposed to be fun, light, childlike and adorable) 
  • For girls, long, loose fitted skirts are sold all over the place. They can be found cheap with bows, buttons and other cute accessories too.
  • Looking for cute accessories? Try Clair's! Yeah, Clair's... They have adorable gothic and normal lolita looking things that range from earrings with bows, to cute necklaces and even wrist bands for guys. 
  • Lolita doesn't have to be sofistiacated guys! There are many different styles of Lolita's to choose from. Try nerdy lolita! Stores all over the place sell ironic tee-shirts, with a cute frilly shirt, some suspenders, a cute pair of glasses and some cute shoes you'd look adorable. 
  • HotTopic is also a great place to find cheap, Lolita fashion for guys and girls. You can find cheap frilly shirts, long shirts with cute bows, loose fitting slim pants with crosses and even rainbows, and you can even find Lolita's jackets! 
Hope this little guide on lolita will help you guys realize that even if you budget is tight, you can still look adorable! ^.^  Dont worry if you can't sew, many stores sell clothes with cute things already on them. Enjoy being adorable! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What do you love about Japan?

The Japanese flag! It symbolizes the bright sun, and spirit of Japan's people! I love Japan, don't you guys? ^.^ Post in the comments some of things you love about Japan and I'll make a post with some of the stuff you guys say okay?

Look out for a new post every week guys! ^.^ 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Differences! ^.^

So here's a nothing post for you guys. Yes, I know I haven't made a post in a while, yes I know you thought I wasn't coming back and I'm sorry about that XD I'll try to upload something, even if it's just two words at least once a week. But for now, take this beautiful picture as an apology!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Weeaboo Problems #3

Agh, I hate this... XD So much beautiful stuff online, why can't I just go to a store and buy it? Oh well, anybody else have this problem?

Sunday, October 12, 2014

More Pictures of Japan!

Once again, I have been extremely lazy... so I haven't posted in a while. I've been a little sick to, so don't blame it all on procrastination XD But as am apology, here's some pictures of beautiful Japanese cityscapes!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

For Anyone Who's Trying to Learn...

Here are some Hiragana Characters! I don't really know all of them yet either, so I know this will help a little. The Japanese use this, Katakana and Kanji to write so we've got a long way to go XD

Even though Kanji looks the same in both Japanese and Chinese, they don't have the same meanings. So you'll have to get used to that too...

(Yes, I'll post more often XD Sorry for being lazy...)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sorry For Not Posting!

Sorry for not posting anything in a while you guys, I've been kind of busy (and by that I mean I've been lazy...) so to make it up to you guys here's another attempt at a "problems" post! Don't laugh at it please, I'm not good at making these XD

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Osaka :3

Osaka is another place in Japan with a more western feel to it! There are cool places to go see, different shops to buy cool stuff (kimonos) and even fun amusement parks :3

Friday, September 26, 2014

More cool stuff...?

Guys you gotta check out They've got an amazing website, and cute pictures like the ones I post.

Tip Time Again!!!

Here you guys go! Kobe has a bit of a western feel to it, so this is a good place to be if you wanna see Japan with the feeling of home! Plus, the restaurants are awesome...

Temple Picture

A beautiful temple in Japan, surrounded by a grouping of sakura trees. Isn't it beautiful? 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tip Time!

Here are some more tips! These are the basic parts of a kimono, for anybody who doesn't know the names.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Language Learning Tips, plus Lesson-ish

     So... you want to learn Japanese? That's great! It's not an easy journey, but you can do it if you study hard and actually put time into doing it right!

1. Start from the bottom and work your way up. If you jump into huge sentences and long draw out written articles you won't learn a thing. Start with something easy, and start with something written in     Romaji.

2. Pronunciation is important! Learn the way the vowls in Japanese sound, it's a lot different than English. If you mispronunce something, who knows...? You could be creating a whole different sentence, not to mention sounding pretty crazy.

3. Put time into it, but don't exhaust yourself. Learning a new language takes time! You have to set aside some time in your day to actually pratice and get things right! Don't work yourself hard though... you don't want to tire yourself out.

Now since I know you guys want it... some colors in Japanese! (Written in Romaji so you can pronounce it better...)

Red: Aka (pronounce as ah-ka)
Blue: Ao (pronounce as ah-oh)
White: Shiro (pronounce as she-row)
Black: Kuro (pronounce as ku-row)
Green: Midori (pronounce as me-door-ree)

I'll post more later guys :3

Tip Time!

Okay! Tip time you guys! I know lots of you love J-Pop and pop culture in Japan, and Akihabara is a good place to go if you want to see it! 😊

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My first attempt at a "Insert Fandom Here" Problems post, don't laugh at more or anything okay...?

Welcome You Guys!

     Hello! Or in the "weeaboo" spirit should I say kon'nichi wa? It's good to see everybody here! This is a blog all about loving weeaboos and I'm hoping this will change some people's mind. If you've ever been called a "weeaboo" or "wapanese" this is your safe heaven! Here you'll get no hate! (If anybody tries to hate on you guys and it slips past me, feel free to message me! I'll get rid of the rude comment right away...) I'll "weeaboo problems" poster if you guys send me a request and I'll even post some facts about Japan and quick Japanese lessons too.
     So for anyone who loves weeaboos and Japan, this is the place for you!

(I'm horrible at writing first posts, sorry...)