
Saturday, April 11, 2015

What a Weeaboo Really Is

Guys, I heard the term weeaboo tossed around a lot recently and it's making me a little upset. There have been arguments over the difference between an "otaku" and a "weeaboo", I've even seen a few about whether people were using the term otaku correctly or not. It's annoying, really annoying and I've got to say it disappoints me a little. 

First off, I've got a few question for all you guys out there that don't like weeaboos.

  • Why do you feel it's your job to label people?
  • What does it really matter if a person is a weeaboo or not? 
  • Doesn't that seem like bullying? 
  • Why argue with and make fun of a person who shares your interest in anime? 
  • If you don't like anime, why are even paying attention to people in the anime-lovers community? 
Now, I created this blog for the soul purpose of sharing my love for Japanese culture and media with as many people as I could and it bothers me that some people make fun of others... for doing the same thing that they are. If you call yourself an otaku, good for you. You're an otaku, and that's great. If you call yourself a weeaboo, that's good for you. You're a weeaboo, that's just as great.

In my opinion, you are what you think you are when it comes to self labels. No one else has the right or the authority to tell you about who you are. I doesn't matter how much you know about Japan, I doesn't even matter if you're Japanese, lived in Japan all your life and know every single bit of Japanese history ever recorded. Let people be who they want, I know you'd be angry is some called you something you didn't think you were.

And the whole, "otaku isn't a good thing in Japan" subject. So? The Japanese walk around calling themselves America/British/Canadian insults and you don't see anyone getting angry at them do you? If you do, please direct said person to this post, I think they'd benefit from some encourage.

  • But weeaboos are annoying... (Then ignore them, simple) 
  • They just love Japan for the anime, they aren't interested in the culture. (Did they say they loved the culture? No, most say they love Japan. Japan's media is a part of Japan, it may not be a large part and may not be the most prominent part but it's still a part of Japan.) 
  • They think they know everything about Japan, and gloat all the time! (So when you learn something cool, you don't want to share it with other people for gloating purposes or other?
  • I can't stand it when they mix Japanese and English together (They don't speak fluent Japanese! How else are they supposed to practice? If they want to be fluent in the language, it's either say it as much as possible or go to Japan and most of us don't have the time/money/ect. to go to Japan) 
For those of you who do call yourselves weeaboos, you're in the right place! There's about as much wrong with being a weeaboo as there is with being a jock, or a girly-girl or being a goth. Being a weeaboo can turn out wonderfully, I mean who knows where this interest will lead you? You could end up going to Japan, starting a life there maybe or even end up on Japanese tv if you try hard enough. Look at all the youtubers who taking that so called "weeaboo obsession" and turned it into a career and ended up living their dreams.

So in conclusion, leave weeaboos and otakus alone. You're so focused on them "not knowing anything" and "creating a fantasy" to even realize how wonderful they are. Just be nice, you could make a friend, or a wonderful contact if they ever become famous...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

What's Mori...?

Hey guys! I'm back, once again and just in time for the new season. I was thinking, since Spring is finally here and Easter is on it's way why not make a post that celebrates this time? I've got the perfect thing, it's a little trend called Mori Fashion.

Now, What is Mori Fashion? 
The word Mori literally means forest and the fashion trend based around it can easily be compared to Boho style. Like all styles, Mori has it's unique characteristics and the easiest way to spot Mori fashion would be to look for... 
  • Long, loose fit sleeves
  • Muted or nature based colors
  • Flowing skirts/dresses or fitted pants
  • Faux fur accessories (hats, handbags, backpacks)
  • Vintage Charm
  • Free spirited feeling to it
  • Layers, layers, layers

Now Mori is a relatively inexpensive and fun style to wear. You don't need brand names, cute, vintage hand me downs, hipster accessories and Boho flowing clothes will look fantastic. But if you do want to spend a little more and try out some brand/shops, here are some to try... 
  • Absolutely Abigail's
  • Jakyo
  • Little Mori
  • Johnny Was
  • Odd Molly
  • Clothing Show
As for makeup, none is needed. The whole point of Mori is to let your natural beauty shine through. So if you do want to put on a little makeup, I suggest keeping it light. Try colors close to your skin tone, light eyeliner and spring colored or muted colored lipstick/eyeshadow/blush. Make it barely noticeable. 
One more thing! For all my boys reading this, Mori looks awesome on guys too.