
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Osaka :3

Osaka is another place in Japan with a more western feel to it! There are cool places to go see, different shops to buy cool stuff (kimonos) and even fun amusement parks :3

Friday, September 26, 2014

More cool stuff...?

Guys you gotta check out They've got an amazing website, and cute pictures like the ones I post.

Tip Time Again!!!

Here you guys go! Kobe has a bit of a western feel to it, so this is a good place to be if you wanna see Japan with the feeling of home! Plus, the restaurants are awesome...

Temple Picture

A beautiful temple in Japan, surrounded by a grouping of sakura trees. Isn't it beautiful? 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Tip Time!

Here are some more tips! These are the basic parts of a kimono, for anybody who doesn't know the names.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Language Learning Tips, plus Lesson-ish

     So... you want to learn Japanese? That's great! It's not an easy journey, but you can do it if you study hard and actually put time into doing it right!

1. Start from the bottom and work your way up. If you jump into huge sentences and long draw out written articles you won't learn a thing. Start with something easy, and start with something written in     Romaji.

2. Pronunciation is important! Learn the way the vowls in Japanese sound, it's a lot different than English. If you mispronunce something, who knows...? You could be creating a whole different sentence, not to mention sounding pretty crazy.

3. Put time into it, but don't exhaust yourself. Learning a new language takes time! You have to set aside some time in your day to actually pratice and get things right! Don't work yourself hard though... you don't want to tire yourself out.

Now since I know you guys want it... some colors in Japanese! (Written in Romaji so you can pronounce it better...)

Red: Aka (pronounce as ah-ka)
Blue: Ao (pronounce as ah-oh)
White: Shiro (pronounce as she-row)
Black: Kuro (pronounce as ku-row)
Green: Midori (pronounce as me-door-ree)

I'll post more later guys :3

Tip Time!

Okay! Tip time you guys! I know lots of you love J-Pop and pop culture in Japan, and Akihabara is a good place to go if you want to see it! 😊

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My first attempt at a "Insert Fandom Here" Problems post, don't laugh at more or anything okay...?

Welcome You Guys!

     Hello! Or in the "weeaboo" spirit should I say kon'nichi wa? It's good to see everybody here! This is a blog all about loving weeaboos and I'm hoping this will change some people's mind. If you've ever been called a "weeaboo" or "wapanese" this is your safe heaven! Here you'll get no hate! (If anybody tries to hate on you guys and it slips past me, feel free to message me! I'll get rid of the rude comment right away...) I'll "weeaboo problems" poster if you guys send me a request and I'll even post some facts about Japan and quick Japanese lessons too.
     So for anyone who loves weeaboos and Japan, this is the place for you!

(I'm horrible at writing first posts, sorry...)